
Garage Door Services Near Valparaiso

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Garage Door Services Near Valparaiso Take Care of All of Your Issues

The Affordable Garage Door team tackles all of the issues that may affect your garage door’s functionality as well as brings the beauty of a whole new door. We work with residential and commercial clients in the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana region. We opened up our business from our own garage more than 30 years ago, and we continue to create a solid company based on these humble roots. We pride ourselves on our superior customer service and couple that with providing the best products in the industry. We now have our 6,000-square foot building to best serve our customers day in and day out. We have the expertly trained technicians needed to discover and repair any issues with your garage door. Our professionals also have the time in when it comes to installing all-new doors and customizing doors for pole barns.

Garage Door Services Near Valparaiso for Commercial Industries

Business owners have special needs that we understand. The commercial side of the industry does not fit in a box but has many variations depending on function and space. We work with all types of client buildings, from warehouses and office spaces to fire stations and farming spots. We work with aluminum doors that will allow light in and offer a modern and more open feel and design. We also can install coiling steel doors that will roll smoothly and custom-engineered doors for specific clients. This may include telescoping or swing doors and sliding or hangar doors. 

Pole barns are a niche industry, and we have the experience and know-how to install and repair any issues. Pole barns are unique as the buildings do not have a foundation but are supported by poles that are in the ground. Pole barns are often utilized for the storage of equipment and tractors. They are often unusual sizes or shapes, and the door needs to be able to fit this and allow for the movement of larger pieces of equipment easily. We can customize your door to your particular pole barn.

Garage Door Services Near Valparaiso at Your Place

Residential garage doors provide safety, security, and a design element to all area homeowners. Our crew members can detail all of the styles, materials, and colors that are available for your home. The Clopay line has many series and collections to choose from for your new door. Traditional and charming wood or carriage styles add just the right touch of nostalgia, while the modern series serves up a steel-based design and feel. Most collections can also be customized with color, hardware, panel design, and window options to truly make your door as unique as possible. 

Garage Door Services Near Valparaiso Keep You Safe and Secure

Beyond new doors and installation, our technicians can assess any problems and repair your door to keep it functioning properly. Connect with us through our online contact form.

This Month’s Specials


With a Replacement Door and Opener Combination

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