
How Loud Is Your Garage Door? Tips for Keeping Things Quiet

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A loud garage door can be a headache – literally. While some loud garage doors seem innocuous – if not noisy – a loud garage door can do more than wake a sleeping someone; they may be a sign of a bigger problem. Here is a look into the common causes of loud garage doors, and what you can do to remedy a loud garage door:

Common Causes of Loud Garage Doors

There are a few common causes of the banging, squeaking, and squealing that your garage door may be making. These include:

  • A door that’s improperly balanced. An improperly balanced garage door may shake on its way up and down, creating a loud rattling noise as it does so. These vibrations can reverberate throughout the whole garage door structure. If you think that this may be the cause of your loud garage door, you should get the problem checked out ASAP. When a door is improperly balanced, it is at a greater risk of coming off its hinges and collapsing, and may be a sign of worn out springs and other garage door parts.
  • Old rollers. Rollers refer to the piece (that resembles a large bolt) of metal placed in the tracks at the top of the garage that allow for the garage to open and close. Not only are old rollers noisy, but they may also indicate that the rollers have lost their shape, which means that correct movement of the door might be impeded.
  • Loose and un-lubricated parts. Finally, your garage door may be noisy because parts are loose, or because parts have not been lubricated in a long time.

The Importance of Garage Door Maintenance

The easiest way to prevent a garage door from getting too noisy is to make sure it is properly maintained. A basic maintenance check where you look for any visible signs of wear and tear, like rust or loose parts, and listen for unusual noises, is essential. If you do notice anything, it is best to correct the problem as soon as possible. You should also clean and lubricate moving parts on a regular basis.

Remember, not performing garage door maintenance does not just make for a loud garage door, but may also put you and your family at risk of a preventable garage door accident.

At Affordable Garage Door Inc., our Lake County, Indiana garage door team is ready to check out your garage today. Whether you need routine garage door maintenance or have a whole list of necessary repairs, we’ve got you covered. Call us today at 219-696-4279 to learn more.

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