While you may not spend a lot of time in your home’s garage, attached garages can significantly affect your home’s energy profile. From lighting to heating and cooling to storing hazardous chemicals, here are some tips for making your garage more environmentally friendly and reducing your home’s energy bill.
If you’re not already using energy-efficient light bulbs in your garage, there’s no better day than today to make the switch. According to EnergyStar.gov, energy-efficient light bulbs use 70 to 90 percent less energy than do regular bulbs; last 10 to 15 times longer; save $30 to $80 in electricity costs per bulb; and produce up to 90 percent less heat, reducing home cooling costs and providing a safer option.
If you’re using your garage as a storage place for hazardous chemicals, make sure they’re stored safely. Not only can a chemical leak endanger pets, children, and other people who come in contact with the spill, but it can be hazardous for the environment, too. Some of the most dangerous materials include anti-freeze, ice-melting compounds, bleach, ammonia, and other cleaning chemicals. Paints can also be very dangerous too.
Garage door insulation is very important, and can prevent outdoor air leakages. To reduce your utility bill and improve energy use, make sure you choose a garage door with an R-value of between 13 and 17.5 percent. Furthermore, seal any cracks or areas of air leakage, caulk, and weather-strip where needed.
When automatic doors are off balance or require maintenance, they don’t open and close as efficiently as they should. Not only does this mean that operation of the doors requires more energy, but also that the garage spends more time open than it would otherwise – this can lead to loss of cold or warm air, depending upon the season. You can maximize the efficiency of your garage door by making sure all of its components are in tip-top shape.
Whether you’re ready to buy a new garage door or need to repair an outdated one to make it more environmentally friendly, the professionals at Affordable Garage Door, Inc. are ready to help. Serving the areas of Schererville, Dyer, and the rest of Lake County, Indiana, we offer free estimates for all types of garage door requests. To schedule an appointment today, contact us online or call us at 219-696-4279.